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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

It’s Ok

It's Ok

To not love your job


To do work

That pays the bills

But doesn’t fill your soul 


Soul filling work

Isn’t all that common



A rare gift reserved

For major league athletes

Hollywood actresses

And fairytales


It’s ok if you toil hard

So you can afford

To fit in 

The parts of your life

That fill you up


That make your imagination soar


That splash with color


And just the right words


And so much meaning that

It overflows from you 

Out onto the world


It’s ok if your job is not the thing

That inspires you


You are more than what 

You are paid for


And what you offer freely

From the deepest part of yourself 


The world couldn’t afford anyway 



Monday, October 18, 2021


In a life that feels like a race

That feels like 

The first sound recalled

Is the starting shot 

Of the gun

Then the charge to run

Don’t stop
Don’t rest

Don’t you dare

Catch up
Pass if you can


Or you will be


I’m going to stop running now


It’s time to walk


Because it is seeming like a trick

There was never going to be a finish line anyway

Was never going to be a place for celebration 


Never going to be permission to rest

Just a constant striving
A never ending sprint

I’m going to slow down now

Take my time
Enjoy the view 


Actually notice

There is a view

To enjoy

Wish the crowds 

Rushing by me well


Bask in the breeze

They make

As they pass

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Equal Parts

Life is 

Equal parts

Broken and



Equal measure

Heart break and

Heart repair


Well maybe

Not quite 



It’s hard to tell


When hard times

Seem to last longer

Feel heavier


Maybe it’s just 

That the hard times

Are louder


Then the easy

Which are more

Like a whisper


Which are so hopeful

We can’t help but

Lose track of time


And be taken

By surprise 

When they are over



Quite ready

For them

To go

What We Are Healing From

Half the battle 

Of this life

Is acknowledging

What we are

Still healing




I’m still healing from 


Disappointing others

With how I live

And what I believe

Though I am living my truth


Disappointing myself

With how I let 

The opinions of others

Impact me


Disappointment overall

With the unfair

Unsteady way

This world works


With how people die too soon

How unkind words can leave permanent scars

How jobs pay our bills but don’t fill our souls

How illnesses linger


It’s a challenge

To live this life

And grieve it 

At the same time


To acknowledge

That this beautiful life

Often lets us down

And isn’t going to change


And that’s really ok

Because maybe 

I let life down too


Maybe life spends its spare time

Trying to figure out 

How to heal

From me


Maybe life

And the humans living it

Are in a constant clumsy



Moving forward

In the only ways 

We know how


Doing our best

Along the way

Monday, April 26, 2021

Grow Faster

As Sequoias

Get older

They grow faster



More impressive

With age


And I intend

To do

The same


Sunday, April 18, 2021

Worth The Risk

When Giant Sequoias

Are threatened 

Their cones close

Curl up into themselves

To survive


To this

I can relate


But they don’t 

Stay closed


Despite the damage caused

Despite any lingering pain 


Despite the utter disappointment

Of learning again

That the world

Is not safe


When the danger passes

The cones reopen


Offer themselves up 

To the world


Knowing this

Is the way 

To something better



It’s all worth

The risk

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Whatever Your Dream Is

Whatever your dream is


Whatever is nudging you 

To consider

A fresh new career
A breathtaking trip 

A move to an unfamiliar place

Whatever is calling you to


Try a new recipe
Take a day trip 
Pursue a hobby


Whatever it is

Even if 

It’s something as simple


As planting a poetry post
In front of your house
Simply because 

You like words 

Maybe it’s time


Maybe today is the day

To take a step
In the direction 
Of that dream


Here’s to people

Who take big leaps of change

By choice


Who shake things up


On a regular basis


Because it’s usually

Someone else’s changes

That make me change


Someone else’s decision

To leave a job

That changes the nature

Of my job


Someone else’s decision 

To relocate

That turns my social circle 

Inside out


I do not change

By choice


I cling 

To each stage of life



I hold on for dear life


Always feeling lucky 

To have made it 

To that space


Rather than considering that


Anything I have in life

Might be due

At least in part

To my own 

Good decisions


Anywhere I am in life

Might be the result

Of luck 

But also effort


Might be meant as

A stepping stone 

Along the path

To another


Rather than

A place 

I should 

Consider home


Hard not to view

Every place 

I find myself

As a life boat

I was just lucky 

To come across


Everything I have

As something

That will soon 

Be taken from me

If I’m not careful


It’s not relaxing

This way of thinking


Always feeling 

Like I’m just one step ahead

Of a very steep fall


Typically reacting to change

Rather than initiating it


Rarely leaping

But finding myself

In free fall 

Whenever others in my life



The world 

Is raw now

Everyone scared

Many sick

Everything urgent


Lacking curiosity

Missing compassion





It’s so cold here

And could be less so


We could make it warmer

With intentional care and 

Thoughtful interaction


We could surprise raw

With the heat 

Of kindness


We could be better


Could make the world better


We could fix this together

One interaction 

At a time


Truly anytime

We choose

Monday, February 15, 2021

To Become Real

I have spent

A fair amount

Of my adult life

Bringing myself

To life

To light

Moving myself

From the shadows

To the stage


To give

Myself permission

To honor

The wisdom

Within me 

So forgive me

If I don’t

Come around

As much 

These days

It’s hard for me now

To let myself stay

Around those

Who would invalidate

My journey

And all it has taught me 

Who encourage me

To keep silent

Rather than to disagree

Who simply

Do not acknowledge

Any other


Forgive me

If I cannot agree 

To be unacknowledged

When I’ve worked

So hard

To become real



Words Save Me

When the world is heavy

With discouragement

Cradling dread

That has seeped in

Spread out



Words save me


When the unspoken 

Dances back and forth

Endlessly and wild

In my mind

Wearing out 

My soul


Words save me


Words find me

And give form

To what is loose inside 


Words validate


Comfort and guide


Words heal


Words give

Soft voices

A microphone


And wisdom

A platform


Words save me


What Is It Then

I wish I felt

Thank you

From a deeper place

Within me

Than I do


Wish I knew

How to muster up

Sincere gratitude

For that which I’ve never

Been deprived 


Wish the thankfulness

I naturally feel

When someone 

Clarifies something that has confused me

Takes a burdensome task from me

Or simply holds a door open for me


Would well up within me

Both daily and on days set aside

To honor the monumental sacrifices

Of those who have given up 

The comforts of their lives 

To make mine more comfortable 


What is it then


Is the sacrifice so big

That I shut it out

Of my soul

Knowing that 

To let it in 

Would also mean letting in 

My glaring unworthiness 

Of the gift


I wish I felt


At the first sign of injustice

Rather than having 

To coax it up out of me 


Wish I more willingly

Let the anger fire in

And used it to extinguish 

The drenching waves of wrong 

Which are drowning us all


Wish the indignity 

I naturally feel

When someone

Insults what I hold dear

Treats me as invisible

Fails to see my worth


Would rise up within me

Instantly and permanently 

To stand up for and beside 

Those who have been wronged

And hold space for the narrative

Of all involved 


What is it then


Is the injustice so disgraceful

That I shut it out

Of my soul

Knowing that

To let it in

Would also mean letting in

The deep pain of generations

A pain I’m not sure I can hold


Is it that I’m already broken

In so many ways 

That I opt out of pain

Presented as optional  


If not, what is it really

What is it then