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Sunday, June 2, 2019

My Hope

My hope
As I leave places
That have shared themselves
With me
Is that
I’ve left something
Of value
There too
At the very least left
An abundance of kindness
And gentle companionship
In that place

So that
It’s clear
We are one

All pieces of each other

Spread widely

Yet connected

And whole


When you lead
With your heart
Your heart
Brave and open
Can be hurt
Can be humbled
To sometimes
Find itself wrong

Yet also can be
A wise and steady guide

When you lead
With your head 

Your head
Measured and logical
Can be distant

Can be sensible
But rigid
In its perception

Yet also can be
A wise and steady guide

And we need it all

Our heart’s callings
Our head’s cautions

Different doses
In different seasons
Or equal measures

Both though
To guide us well

To show us the way