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Sunday, July 31, 2016

We Carry You Still

I am walking
This week
For the first time
Without you

And remembering

When you were
Just a pup
Learning to explore
Your world
Sometimes the walks
Would get too long
And we would carry you
All tired and snuggly
The rest of the way home

On your last day here
It was again hard
For you to walk
And we carried you then
Wrapped in calm loving arms
Soothed with soft words and gentle hugs
To your place
Of final rest

And as I am walking today
It is clear that
We carry you still

We will carry you always
The memory of you
The lessons you taught us
We carry you still sweet boy
No longer in our arms
But deeply and forever
Within the most tender place
Of our hearts



You Live On

You live on
In kindness

Anytime a heart is warmed by a smile

Anytime people sit peacefully together
With no need for words

Anytime disappointment comes
But forgiveness comes quicker

In every act of acceptance of people for who they are
In knowing and loving something deeply and well
In boundless love for the simple joys in life

You live on


For Noble, 7/8/2004 -7/25/2016

We Had A Deal

We had a deal
My dog and I
That we’d give
Each other
A good life

That whoever
Died first
Would be at peace

And whoever was left
Wouldn’t stay sad
For too long

And would surround
The emptiness
With happy memories
Of silly looks
And wiggly hugs
And simple
Loving presence

And would hold
These memories close
And well up with thankfulness
For the gift of the other

And marvel at
Our shared good fortune
That we got to live
For a special time
In this season of life


Sunday, July 24, 2016

The World I Am Building

A world
Where I push
My opinions
On you
And don’t ever listen
To yours

A world
Where you
Are worthless
To me
Unless you
Share my views

A world
Where I don’t
Care to know
Your story
Unless it
Enhances mine

A world
Where my
History and experience
Count for
More than

A world
Where you
Are always
An idiot
And I
Am always

This is not
The world
I am building

The world
I am building
Values you and
Values me

The world
I am building
Is we
Not I

The world
I am building
Is constant learning
And give and take
And forever trying
To get it right

The world
I am building
Is I wish the best for you
And how can we help
Each other grow
The world
I am building
Is we respect and celebrate
Each other’s
Differing dreams
This is
The world
I want
To live in

This is
The world
I am building

Let The Endings

I look
At my sweet
Old dog
And wonder
When his time
Will come

The same way
I look
At life’s other
Perfect things
When they too
Will end

I want
To know
When things end

I want to know
When will
The good things
Be gone

And the thought comes


Let the endings end
When they end
And grant
The same courtesy
To beginnings

Cry when it’s called for
Laugh when it’s time
Let life come

And live

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Life Is

Life is
So hard

Life is
So good

It is both

At different times
At the same time

For all of us


Monday, July 4, 2016

Meaningful Discussions

There are those
So wedded
To long held
That they minimize
Any discussion
Which might cause them
To rethink
Their certainties

So when they talk
I just smile
And nod
To keep the peace

And save meaningful discussions
For those willing
To have them

Let Those On The Journey

Let those
On the journey
Lead the way

Help if you’d like
By stepping aside
Or coming along
But not
By presuming
To know
How it ends

We don’t know
What even
The next five minutes
Of this journey holds
And we certainly
Don’t know
How it ends

Sudden Loss

There is something about
Sudden loss

The devastating realization
That what was
Once safe
Is no longer so

The strike
Of betrayal
When the solid ground
Of your life
With no warning
No goodbye

Loss changes things
Changes people
Changed me

Its suddenness
A confirmation
That safety in this world
Is our common wish
But not
Our birthright